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Dr. Yiyun Chen was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Dr. Yiyun Chen, a young teacher of our school, was recently elected as a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI).The Royal Anthropological Institute is the first professional Anthropological Institute in the world. It is dedicated to the furtherance of anthropology in its broadest and most inclusive sense. The RAI selects worldwide scholars who has under...2020.06.08
SRES Alumni Gathering at the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting
At the season of blooming cherry blossoms, the 2019 Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers was held in Washington, DC, USA, April 3-7, 2019. During the meeting, Pro. Lin Li on behalf of SRES gathered with the alumni at the AAG meeting. These alumni came from more than ten US and Chinese universities or research institutes, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Unive...2019.04.17
The Delegation of Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) Visiting SRES
?????On March 25, 2019, Mr. Mathias Bernard, the President of Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA), led a delegation to visit the School of Resource and Environmental Sciences. The delegation members included Mr. Fran?ois Paquis, the Secretary General, Ms. Anne Garrait-Bourrier, the Vice-President (International Relations), Ms. Fran?oise Peyrard, the Vice-President (Academic), Mr. Gilles Mailhot...2019.03.27